Thought Leadership Articles
Designing for Growth:
A Tool Kit for Managers
While many business people appreciate the power of design, a formal process for its practice has been elusive; until now.
Re-framing Opportunities: Design Thinking in Action
How Design Thinking improved the lives of a group of Danish seniors and inspired the people that serve them.
If Managers Thought Like Designers
Design is the ‘secret weapon’ for competition in the 21st century. Here’s how managers can start thinking more like designers.
Possibility Thinking: Lessons from Breakthrough Engineering
Engineers have long viewed design as a core activity. Managers would be wise to turn to them for creative inspiration.
Time for Design
Cities, buildings, products, services, systems, and strategies all face the same need to combine expertise, insight, engagement, and adaptation. It’s time to confront the tensions of design.
Innovative Ways Companies are Using Design Thinking
Four questions explore different stages of the design thinking process. These four questions have an accompanying set of ten design tools to help managers navigate the question space. Here's how.